What is a Little Free Pantry?

Mini-pantries can be used to supplement emergency food access, provide for personal item needs, an after school snack, or the proverbial cup of sugar. No matter the purpose, Little Free Pantry nurtures the spirit of giving for giving’s sake.

What Can I Put In A Pantry?

Little Free Pantry is ideal for food, household, and hygiene items. When donating food, please consider the season and if your donation might freeze or melt. Nonperishable food items work best. If you do donate something with a short shelf life please remember to check back and remove any perished items.

Who Can Use A Little Free Pantry?

Anyone! Anyone can give to and take from a Little Free Pantry, no questions asked.

Where Did This Idea Come From?

LFPB is modeled after a global movement that takes the concept of Little Free Library and applies it to the fight against food scarcity. Learn more here.